What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, filiform needles into acupuncture points located on the energetic meridians of the body. Acupuncture theory and practice dates back over thousands of years, and it is used by over 1/4 of the worlds populations as an integral part of their health care. The sterile singe-use only needles create mild tolerable sensations, while the relaxing and rejuvenating effects of treatment can last for several days or more. Overall improvement is seen over time and is dependent on the level and severity of the condition. Treatments are highly specific to the individual and will always accommodate your level of comfort and satisfaction. Side-effects are generally rare and minimal, and safety is always a priority. Acupressure, including techniques to use at home, can have wonderful effects on your health.
What to Expect
Evaluation for acupuncture includes a health intake form (see Forms page on this website) and a discussion of your current and past health issues. An examination of the relevant body areas will be done, along with traditional chinese pulse and tongue diagnosis. Your treatment will be tailored to your specific complaints and may include acupuncture to the body, head or ears. Recommendations will be made for you to do at home and may include the use of natural substances, wellness practices, dietary and/or lifestyle changes. Acupuncture is often recommended as a series of treatments dependent on your health condition.
Please contact Christina Woolard directly to schedule an appointment at 615-970-7693.